Nuestro equipo es especialista en arquitectura modular y construcción industrializada, con especial mención en la industrialización de fachadas, componentes, módulos o sistemas avanzados.
Cada uno de los componentes que conforman la arquitectura industrializada requiere un estudio en detalle para posibilitar su integración dentro del conjunto de la obra. De este modo, cada parte del proyecto se analiza de manera independiente desde el punto de vista de sus componentes y se configura su relación con el entorno global del proyecto.
At COR ARCHITECTURE+DESIGN we are committed to industrialization as a process that allows the construction systems to be elaborated in the factory for their subsequent transport and final assembly on site. The construction processes have a high level of control, which produces lower energy consumption, the generation of less waste, increased durability and performance, and improved economic control. Arquitecto Alicante
Our team is a specialist in modular architecture and industrialized construction, with special mention in the industrialization of facades, components, modules or advanced systems.
Each of the components that make up industrialized architecture requires a detailed study to enable its integration into the whole of the work. In this way, each part of the project is analyzed independently from the point of view of its components and its relationship with the global environment of the project is configured.
Los procesos industrializados se diseñan de manera colaborativa entre los diferentes agentes sectoriales e industrias, a través de herramientas digitales 4D que tienen en cuenta los materiales, sistemas, metodología constructiva, uso, mantenimiento, eficiencia, derribo y reciclaje del edificio atendiendo a todo el ciclo de vida de éste. Asimismo, esta nueva forma de diseñar y ejecutar edificios nos reporta los costes y plazos de ejecución, eficiencia del edificio resultante y el impacto de sostenibilidad de éste. Todo esto previamente al comienzo de la obra.
Cade destacar que el término de prefabricación ha sido muy usado en el sector, pero la aparición del término de industrialización ha permitido ampliar el concepto, ya que esto englobo desde pequeños componentes a grandes elementos de fachada, módulos o estructuras.
The industrialized processes are designed collaboratively between the different sectoral agents and industries, through 4D digital tools that take into account the materials, systems, construction methodology, use, maintenance, efficiency, demolition and recycling of the building, attending to the entire cycle. of his life. Likewise, this new way of designing and executing buildings reports the costs and execution times, the efficiency of the resulting building and its sustainability impact. All this prior to the beginning of the work.
It should be noted that the term prefabrication has been widely used in the sector, but the appearance of the term industrialization has allowed the concept to be expanded, since this encompasses everything from small components to large façade elements, modules or structures.